May 24, 2003
Blog science

That there's a science of statistics for networks and hyperlinks is not news, but that there's focused social science being conducted on the nature of blogging and 'link sociology' was news to me. Microdoc does just that. There are precise and interesting accounts of memes spreading (includes what I consider a debunking of the Googlewash story) and even an experiment to examine the spread through automated indexers of the term Iranian Robots Invade Google Blogging Space (including metacomments like this).

He also characterises particular blogging styles, and particular posintg types very nicely. And the story anatomy links have nice infographics!

Oh, and while words to that effect have been said elsewhere let me put it bluntly: "Blogging is the new Spam". Everybody is doing it - and the word blogging brings you one of the most AdWord polluted Google searches you can do.

Posted by Claus at May 24, 2003 12:14 PM
Comments (post your own)

Very interesting post...

DIE! Bloody comment spammer!

Posted by: kitchen on September 15, 2003 2:28 AM
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