July 21, 2003
Closing of America II

The RIAA are suing everybody and have kranked up their legal gears to 75 subpoenas a day to violate your online privacy, as reported by Dan Gillmor. This is wrong and should be stopped, but it is unlikely to be since nobody - except online pundits like Gillmor - seems to fight against it.
Wouldn't this practice of mass privacy invasion be illegal if it occured in physical space? Imagine an organization finding it appropriate to obtain access to 75 homes per day to enforce their copyrights. Wouldn't that be unthinkable?

In Danish:
Retten til online privatliv er ligeså dårligt beskyttet som den er diffus at definere. Spørgsmålet om præcis hvad der udgør barrieren mellem privatsfære og offentlighed er svært. Jeg er fristet til den definition at digitale data om dig faktisk bør regnes for private ligegyldigt hvilke betingelser du oplyste dem under. Publicering eller oplysning af dine persondetaljer (det vil også salg af adressekataloger, etc.) bør som udgangspunkt være forbudt.

Posted by Claus at July 21, 2003 09:41 PM | TrackBack (0)
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