October 07, 2003
Lynx does IDN

When preparing my danish language site Håndtegnsguiden I found out that many browsers aren't ready for Internationalized Domain Names. Internet Explorer mostly is set up for Race encoded names, which is not the proposed standard everybody is adopting, and if your Mozilla is a little old (like half a year or so) then that too fails to handle IDN names properly. To help people debug the problem I set up an error page that will load if they have the wrong (version of their) browser. I was sad to be unable to give suggestions on how to handle IDN's for Lynx - the worlds favourite text only browser. My colleague Bo was of the same mind, and unlike me he still hacks C (I miss it in a twisted masochistic way. Simplicity is so cool). So this is a preannouncement of Bo's IDN hack for Lynx. See the screenshots of håndtegn.classy.dk loaded in lynx! A patch will be made available on classy.dk once it's a little more stable.

Posted by Claus at October 07, 2003 12:41 AM | TrackBack (0)
Comments (post your own)

But lynx is not the overall project anymore...

The project is now: idn in netbsd

But for all you users of the mighty lynx - ill soon have my patch ready, i've just been busy lately. sorry :)

Posted by: Bo on October 14, 2003 2:49 PM
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