November 13, 2003
Data/Ink Ratio

I was unfamiliar with the notion of the Data/Ink ratio of a piece of infographics. It's exactly what is says: How much information is presented compared to how much ink you put on the page to present it. When the d/i is low the page is overdecorated and you're not really communicating the data as much as presenting the ink.
I read about it on ongoing. Which even has a very clear illustration of the kind of thinking that accompanies the concept.
Must find the time to buy the book of "The Jakob Nielsen of quantitative visuals".

Meanwhile [shifts into danish] hvis du vil vide noget mere om hvordan det er med det der form og det der indhold så kan jeg varmt anbefale Holgers fremragende artikel om brugsgrafik fra UCMag #1 (pdf 3MB). Det er historien om Betydning, Organisation og Skønhed.

Posted by Claus at November 13, 2003 10:27 PM | TrackBack (0)
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