October 18, 2004
Slogger + Google Desktop: Not so hot (unless you tweak it)

If you want to take my advice, and combine Google Desktop and Slogger then there are some good features and some bad features to consider.

First the good: Google uses file modified timestamps to order results. That works well with Slogger, since the time you browsed by is the time the slogger cache is modified. You still don't get the original URL of the site. You can modify sloggers behaviour to include the URL in the filename, but that gives funky filenames that may not be legal on your system.

Now the bad: Slogger caches everything and Google caches everything, so there's a bad interaction with the Slogger cache and the Google cache taking up tons of space. Also, if you just use the defaults, each lookup via Google in your slogger cache gets logged by Slogger! So each time you click the search history button, the number of hits grows by one. You need to disable the Google desktop search specifically (and probably google.com as well) from Slogger caching. Simply add and www.google.com to your Slogger block filter (part of the Slogger settings accessible from the extensions menu in Firefox).

Undecided: Google Desktop assumes an extension of .html means that the file in question belongs to your "web history". That means that the Slogger files get listed as web history, but it also means that all kinds of Javadoc does I would guess. I don't know if that's annoying or not.

Posted by Claus at October 18, 2004 07:25 PM | TrackBack (0)
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Why save it all offline? I guess at least 70% of the sites I visit will still be online after one year. That's why I want a solution which let's say let me do a Google search ONLY on the websites I have visited. Google Personalized Search unfortunately does not offer this.

Can you think of a solution?

Posted by: Holger Dieterich on December 5, 2006 10:14 PM

This is a two year old blog post. Since then a number of cache and search services have sprung up and Slogger supports a lot of them.
Slogger however is broken - when storing pages it will actually redo POST requests against all good rules for web behaviour, so I've since stopped using Slogger.

Posted by: Claus on December 5, 2006 10:17 PM
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