August 29, 2006
Credit where it's Bob

So it takes a couple of full undistracted listenings to appreciate the pleasures of the new Bob Dylan album, and not half an hour while working and talking. Bob's not to blame for that. The album is great and already in heavy rotation. As for the "the best since 'Oh Mercy'" lines. I personally never liked Oh Mercy that much. Not bad songs at all, but I never loved the sound of it, and I think the unhappy creation process chronicled in the chronicles shows.
Incidentally, thinking about the chronicles, I think perhaps we live in better times as far as His Bobness is concerned: Less people are looking for a saviour now, or at least for a folk/country/rock saviour like Dylan - which means it's easier for him to escape the Prince of Protest moniker he hated so much when he was younger.

Posted by Claus at August 29, 2006 01:24 PM | TrackBack (0)
Comments (post your own)

"Can't go back to Paradise, I killed a man down there"

Strong stuff, don'tya think?

Posted by: Jakob on August 31, 2006 7:58 AM

Det er da ogs? fint med en Bob-udgave af "N?r lygterne t?ndes". Han er jo et krigstidsbarn.

Posted by: Jakob Lerche on August 31, 2006 8:00 AM

19-20-?rig chick i baglokalet til en madbod p? Roslilde kl. 06 torsdag: "Jeg ska' da h?re Bob Dylan, jeg h?rer alle de store inden for hip hop og R&B".

Hvem hun troede, han var, fandt jeg aldrig helt ud af, men hun fik sig da nok noget af en overraskelse henne ved Orange.

Posted by: Jakob on September 2, 2006 10:55 AM
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