October 26, 2007
Denmark retains its leading position for 2008-12. The country stands out for the successful balance that it appears to have struck between the state and the market. Product markets operate efficiently and labour markets are flexible (with low non-wage labour costs and few restrictions on hiring and firing). Denmark compensates for its high tax burden with the quality of its public goods, notably infrastructure and higher education.

Fra den omtalte Economistundersøgelse.

- Det der selvfølgelig er værd at bemærke er at de ting, der virkelig klodser på skattetrykket ikke er dem Economist roser nationen for. Det er værd at nævne - modsat hvad valgkampen handler om - at det var socialdemokratiet, der i 90erne for alvor ryddede op i det berømte flexicurity system. Det er derimod bekymrende at socialdemokratiet anno 2007 ikke synes at det er en positiv historie. Socialdemokratisk valgkamp handler kun om udbetalinger, ikke om "strukturel velfærd" som den burde, efter min mening.

Posted by Claus at October 26, 2007 04:05 PM | TrackBack (0)
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