October 23, 2004
Everyone's an American

Blogging in English from Europe is a sometimes disorienting experience, in particular if you occasioanlly blog about technology, technology policy or global issues like the war in Iraq.
What's disorienting about it is that you find yourself having difficulty distinguishing properly between issues that are, at least initially, purely of American interest and issues that have broader interest. This is an obvious consequence of a discussion that has such an American bias: Most of the world's tech-bloggers are American and when they don't distinguish between issues that are local to their situation and issues that are of concern to them as well, because they are of global concern, then why should you?
At a deeper level of course it is also difficult, because issues that are important in an American context tend to end up having a European importance as well. The EU tries to match even the horrible aspects of American copyright law. The War on Terror is global, as are the remedies used to address - if for no other reason then because of American pressure. IT is largely an American culture.
But still: I find myself writing posts about the proper calculation of losses from file sharing bases on American not Danish or European statistics. I write about the Presidential elections as if I could vote - because it is really important for us as well who wins.
I can't really figure out if I'm doing something reasonable, something strange or in fact something imprudent. I can easily understand if people are annoyed by it. But conversely, many American run websites do actively embrace this dual role of being all-american and international at the same time. When you surf around the web, you come upon the occasional comment (usually from right wing traditionalists) that assumes that the Internet, in particular the large focal media portal sites, like amazon.com for books or IMDB for film are American sites and foreigners had better behave themselves when they're visiting out of town. But imdb.com lists lots of films produced in Denmark that have never been shown in America cinemas.
I am glad not to be the only one who is confused.

Posted by Claus at October 23, 2004 10:59 PM | TrackBack (0)
Comments (post your own)

"I can't really figure out if I'm doing something reasonable,
something strange or in fact something imprudent."
Maybe you're doing something useless. What if your english posts were
read and appreciated by no-one.

Det jeg kan lide, er de l?ngere, danske udredninger. At endnu en
person har en kommentar til de emner alle blogger om er ligegyldigt.
Selv p? engelsk.


Posted by: Per Holm on October 24, 2004 3:55 PM

For det f?rste er det ikke det posten handler om, og for de andet er det jo bare en attitude det der. Ellers skrev du jo ikke fedogmisbrugt.dk. Jeg har set http://www.fedogmisbrugt.dk/per/fupz5.gif.
Og det triste ved den attitude er at den er lige sand om engelske og danske kommentarer, om din deltagelse i folketingsvalg og kommunalvalg og om alle dine andre valg i?vrigt: Hvad nu hvis de andre bare er ligeglade.
Og det er de jo ikke. Kun de fleste af dem.
Klart nok sidder vi alle et eller andet sted p? en indflydelseskurve, og klart nok sidder de fleste af os et stykke nede - men det er jo ikke det samme som at vi ikke sidder p? den.

Posted by: Claus on October 24, 2004 4:01 PM

Bem?rk i?vrigt den fine m?de DENNE post lever op til dit personlige nyhedskriterium p? - og ikke engang p? dansk.

Posted by: Dee on October 24, 2004 8:45 PM
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