October 07, 2003
Gibson goes gestating

One of the Corante bloggers lists William Gibson's cease from blogging as some kind of defeat. "It broke his train of thought". As previously reported it is more an observation about 'several modes of writing', blogging being a casual one. The good quote is that blogging is easy and risk free, but for serious writing you need serious risk.
A serious train breaker on the other hand was 911 as Gibson reflects in this Salon interview. We can all see it at work in Gibsons latest novel. In my opinion it is not really that succesful as a novel, being slightly superficial in some of its 'contemporanisms' (breaking the previous record for the use of the word Google in a novel), and storywise too much to formula. As everybody else I am grateful for having met the brand allergic cool hunter Cayce though.

(mental note: I like 'contemporanism' - I think I just coined that word. Must register the domain name NOW)

Posted by Claus at October 07, 2003 09:05 AM | TrackBack (0)
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